About Us
Our Mission
- To promote and raise the standards of breeding of pure-bred cats;
- To promote and encourage the breeding of pure-bred cats;
- To promote and encourage the showing of pure bred and companion cats
- To educate the members and the general public in all aspects of cat ownership
- To promote, encourage, and assist feline veterinary research.
Responsible Cat Ownership
NSWCFA promotes responsible pet ownership and all members are required to adhere to State legislation when homing their cats or kittens. It is important that cats are not overbred and that kittens born be selectively placed into caring, permanent homes.
Click on the link below for more information about the Annual Permit for Non-Desexed Cats coming into effect on 1 July 2020.

Link to us!
Our members are invited to link this image on their website to proudly show they are members of NSW CFA.
NSW CFA - How it all started.
Before 1948 in New South Wales, three separate registering bodies; the Cat Fanciers Association, the Federal Cat Club, and the St. George District Cat Club—operated independently, each following its own path. Recognizing the evident impracticality of this situation, Colonel G.C. Sommerville, the Secretary of the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales, took a step to address the issue by sending the following letter to these three organizations:.
“Dear Sirs,
With the idea of gaining the cooperation of all members of existing clubs in relation to this society’s RAS Cat Club, which has been formed for the purpose of bringing about one unified cat government in NSW and which would include the registration of cats, my Dog Section Committee invites your association to send three (3) delegates to a meeting on Wednesday, January 28th, 1948, at the Showground.”
Yours faithfully,
G.C. Sommerville,