Management of the NSWCFA
Office Bearers - 2023

Committee Member
Les Hodge

Committee Member
Linda Osborne

Committee Member
Ann Elphick

Committee Member
Patricia Scrivener

Committee Member
Lavina Anderson

Committee Member
Melanie Martin

Committee Member
Julie Fitzhenry

Committee Member
Nikki James

Phillipa Perkins
Responsible for litter registrations, Kitten registrations, all Title updates, Cat transfers and Import or Interstate Registrations
The constitution of the NSW CFA provides that there shall be a Management Committee comprised of a minimum of 9 members and a maximum of 12 members.
Function of the Management Committee
The Management Committee has the entire control and management of the affairs of the NSW CFA and has the power to perform all such acts and do all such things as appear to the Management Committee to be necessary or desirable for the proper management of the affairs of the NSW CFA. It may exercise all functions except those that are required by the Rules to be exercised by a general meeting of the members of the NSW CFA.
Election of Management Committee Members
Nominations are called to fill the four vacancies on the Management Committee each year. All financial members of the NSW CFA are eligible to nominate to fill a vacancy. Nominees submit a profile which is circulated to ALL financial members of the NSW CFA, together with a ballot paper.
The NSW CFA believes that this democratic election process is the only way to ensure that each financial member is able to have a voice in who will serve on the Management Committee for the ensuing three years, thus ensuring stability of direction, aims and ideals.
The Executive Committee comprises the President, Senior Vice President and Treasurer which, subject to the control, direction and ratification of the Management Committee, shall be responsible for the Management of the urgent affairs of the NSW CFA between meetings of the Management Committee.
Members of the Management Committee
The Management Committee is comprised of twelve members, each member being elected for a three year term at the conclusion of which they may offer themselves for re-election. Four members of the Management Committee retire each year at the conclusion of their three year elected term.
Meetings of the Management Committee
- Management Committee Meetings take place on the third Tuesday of each month,starting at 7pm and finishing at 10pm.
- Members are welcome to attend in the gallery but are requested to notify the office so seating can be provided.
- All correspondence for the meeting must be at the NSW CFA office by 10am on the Wednesday prior to the meeting so it can be copied and added to the mail out which goes to the committee members.
Sub Committees
Within the framework of the Management Committee are several Sub Committees. These Sub Committees have the power to co-opt from amongst the general membership. The Sub Committees meet independently of the Management Committee and all decisions of the various Sub Committees are presented to the Management Committee for ratification.
Finance Sub Committee
The Executive of the Management Committee
Judges Sub Committee
Sue Thomas (Chair), Maureen Camarsh, and Nikki James
Breeds Sub Committee
Tracey Camp (Chair), Maureen Camarsh, Sue Thomas, Nikki James and Ramiza Hussein
Stewards Sub Committee
Ann Elphick, Janet Doust and Linda Osborne
Show Sub Committee
Maureen Camarsh, Stephanie Richards and Tracey Camp
Education and Compliance Subcommittee
Michelle Grayson (Chair), Tracey Camp and Sue Thomas
Media Sub Committee
Kristie Tatton, Delwyn Barnett, Michelle Grayson