Information on Exhibiting at a Cat Show
Showing is an enjoyable and exciting hobby to experience with your cat. It is a great way to meet people who love their cats just like you do, as well as getting to learn about the many different breeds we have in Australia.
Each show runs to a very similar formula, and once you understand that, each show becomes much less daunting.
The morning of a show starts at around 7am with a vetting in process. This is where your cat is examined by a vet to ensure they are clear of any parasites or communicable diseases, and has no obvious injury preventing them from competing. You must also present the vet with the vaccination records of your cat.
The next step is to set up your cat’s show cage. Each cat is exhibited in cage, which is surrounded by a solid barrier – either corflute plastic, or a “cage wrap” which is a non-breathable fabric attached to the cage. These cage wraps prevent cats interacting with cats who are not from the same house, and it is another way to prevent the spread of any possible illness.
Each cage is decorated with Show Curtains. These are attached to the inside of the cage and give the cat a beautiful backdrop. There is usually a matching mat to go on the bottom of the cage, and sometimes even a bed to match – though the bed is not essential.
Once everyone has set up their cages, the time is usually around 9am and it is time for judging to start! Shows will often have 3 judging rings, but sometimes there are more. Each ring is attended by a judge who will evaluate cats based on a set of written standards – a guideline – of what that cat breed is supposed to look like. Judges work independently and do not share their chosen winners with other judges. This means you often have three (or more) chances of winning each show.
Cats are judged in Groups. Group One is for long haired cats. Group Two is for the oriental style cats, and Group 3 are for Shorthair (or “everything else”). Your cat will be judged against other cats in your group, and each judge will choose their best.
It takes a long time for all of the cats to be judged at a show. It’s usually around 3 or 4 pm before judging is complete, and then they have to tally the points to organise the major awards. Many shows have Best of Rings, Judge’s Choice, and even Supreme Exhibit. It is an exciting end to a big day.
After all of this excitement it is time to pack up and head home. An important element of the pack up is not just packing up your things, but helping the club with the overall pack down of the show. Everyone benefits from a show, so everyone should help with the clean up too.
So what do you need at a show?
- A sturdy and secure travelling cage to get to the show.
- A show cage (60 – 74cm in width).
- A set of show curtains to look pretty against your cat
- A solid barrier of either Corflute sheets, or a waterproof cage wrap around.
- Vaccination certificates for your cat. A kitten must have had at least 1 vaccination, and cats no more than 3 years between vaccines.
- A litter tray and waste bags for any toiletting material.
- A water bowl and some treats.
- If you have a long haired cat, you should have combs and brushes on hand.
- Baby-wipes are also a great idea to keep with you.
After all of that, the main thing you need to have with you is the best cat of the day – your own! Because no matter what happens at a show, you will always be taking home the number 1 cat.